Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Prayer of a Policeman’s Wife

Every day that Isaac goes to work I pray for his safety: "Lord, protect him. Keep him safe. Send your guardian angels to surround him. Give him wisdom and good instincts." Or something along those lines, usually. And every day I pray it, I worry about him.

He works in one of the worst areas of Prince William County. Who would've thought fresh academy meat would be placed in the armpit of town? Although after writing it out loud, it makes perfect sense, lol. Rookies always get the raw end of the deal, don't they? I know he is doing a great job though, and he is learning so much. He actually said it's a good thing that he's in the "bad area" so that if he ever gets in a "good area" he will have more skill and experience to take with him than someone else whose first assignment might have been in a nicer part of town.

Being married to a Police Officer is scary. I worry constantly. And if he doesn't call me at 11pm like he says he is going to, I always wonder what he's up to that he couldn't call. Did something happen? Is he OK? Why couldn't he call? And usually, I remind myself that I just have to remember and trust that he's probably on a case and got busy.

As I've been praying for his safety ever since he got this job, I've been pretty much saying that same prayer that I mentioned before. Prayer for his general well being and protection, and for courage and wisdom. But the other day as I was meditating on these words again, I realized something: why not pray for the community that he’s working, too? 

It was a revelation from above.

Isaac will always be my first priority of prayer, but I imagine the people of his beat, the people he's servicing and protecting, could use prayer, too. There is so much hate, so much crime, so much violence right outside of our sheltered abodes that we don't even see it. And I get the info first hand.

We don't see the stabbings and gang fights and drug busts or the homes with dirt floors because most of us live in areas where we are sheltered by our comfortable, air-conditioned living spaces. And all we know are the concerts and restaurants we go to on the weekends and our four dollar and nine cent frappucinos and our fancy gym memberships. It's easy for us to go to Giant and pick up what we need at the store because we usually have the money in our bank accounts to do so. And I think these things are OK to enjoy because we are a God-blessed nation and God desires to bless us as long as we are good stewards.

But some of these people right down the street from our spoil-fests are stealing car batteries for money and dealing and smoking crack in their basements. They're stabbing people because their gang leader told them they had to and they're falling asleep at the wheel in their parked cars because they are too drunk to drive home from the bar.

They need prayer.

And who better to pray for them then the people in their own community? Doesn't God call us to pray for the unsaved and reach out to the needy? Even though they’re not in a third world country, I think they are needy. In need of grace, in need of healing, in need of salvation.

And so I will continue to pray for Isaac, for his protection amidst all of this chaos, but I will also try to remember to pray for the people he comes in contact with - the woman who has hidden weed in her pre-natal vitamin bottle, the man who was shot  because of his own choice at an attempt to steal and is now paralyzed, and people starting petty fights that cause public riots.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

30 Weeks Preggo

Last Wednesday I turned 30 weeks pregnant. And what a trip it has been. Someone said today that poor people or sick people who have been as such their whole life go on living as if that's all they've ever known. I feel like being pregnant has become my own "way of life" much like sick or poor people, as it's all I've known for nearly seven months now. Thank goodness I do know differently though, as I'm getting to a point where I'm yearning for my old self back.

Being pregnant has been a journey indeed. With morning, afternoon, and evening sickness to bear along with a never-ending state of just feeling "odd," it surely has given me an appreciate for my health and my pre-pregnancy mobility to be able to run, exercise, and do all the things I once did on a daily basis. Now, I find myself struggling to get up off the couch with swollen ankles and hurting feet if I stand too long. I struggle to sleep well, and at that, get comfortable in my own bed.

Despite all the things that come with being pregnant, though, I really can't complain much. My pregnancy has been pretty normal and easy compared to some other pregnant folks I've known. I was blessed with no vomiting symptoms, my blood pressure and weight are normal, and I passed the Gestational Diabetes and glucose tests. And I don't really feel all that huge right now. Maybe that will change in a few weeks, or a month. I mean I do waddle, especially when I have to pee, but I don't feel that my center of gravity is so far out of control that it's ultra-hard yet to walk a flight of stairs or clean my bathroom. It is hard to bend down, but at least I have fair mobility at this current stage.

We finally got a crib and a few essential baby items, thanks to an old friend of my moms. Her son and daughter-in-law had two cribs for us to choose from, two small high chairs, one big high chair, and a pack n' play to give us. We were so blessed. Of course everything is sitting in baby Gresh's room at this very moment untouched. I am waiting for Isaac to put the crib together. Oopsie. :)

As this pregnancy draws closer to an end, I am now getting more nervous about the actual birth. Yes, of course I am also worried about having all the supplies we'll need, coordinating my time off work, and wondering if I'll really know how to do this whole "parent thing." But I'm more scared now about knowing when it's going to happen, or how I'll know if it's happening - where I'll be, what I'll be doing, and who will help me to get to the hospital. Will it be painful? When will I get the epidural? Etc.

I know that I just have to trust. And I pray every day - Lord, protect this baby, protect me, and let everything go smoothly, but according to Your will. And that is all I can ever do until the day comes...


Baby 024 - Week 30

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Perfect Day

Do you ever have one of those days, or afternoon-bleeding-into-evenings, that are perfect? And something about every way you move and breathe could not be better...?

...Yesterday we had a yard sale at mom and pop's. The night before I went to bed at 3:30 in the morning. I was partly waiting up for Isaac and partly engaged in a conversation with my best friend on AIM, which we NEVER do that late. I was excited about the yard sale and about the weekend, plus I am a night owl, and I just couldn't bring myself to hit the pillow.

Of course I regretted it the next morning when I had to get up at 6:30 to move stuff out of the house and into Carrie's truck to bring it over to to the sale. Or should I say to have Isaac move stuff out. Pregnancy has it's upsides!

As the morning moved along I got a second wind, got some motivation back, and got excited again. I love yard sales. Our yard sales. And no matter how much everyone in our family complains about them or says how much work they are, I know they secretly love them too. Even dad, who ends up moving most of our stuff and putting up the signs, lol.

It's not really about the money. I mean I only made $40. But it's about being with eachother! I just like having all of us together cracking jokes about trying to sell our ridiculous junk and exxagerating about how people will clamor to get in that we'll have to have buses lined up to control the incoming traffic. It's about the coffee and donuts we have before we start. Although this year there was no coffee and only muffins.

After the yard sale was over I was p-o-o-p-e-d. Sweat was a slobberin' down my legs and I felt like I had not taken a shower in weeks. Gross!

I came home, ate my $7 subway (what a rip, right?, and hopped in the shower. And after my shower I had the most peaceful four hour nap atop our freshly sheet-changed bed. The fan was blowing, I was clean, and I was out. It was one of those serene summer moments. The kind that should come along more often than they do.

When I woke up, the sun was going down and evening was near.

Isaac and I went to Bonefish for a late dinner. He showered too and put on his new polo shirt. I put on my comfy white pants, swept my hair up in a bun, and made my face. I adorned my ears with some silver hoops, threw on a cute cotton tank, and out we went.

I felt so clean and refreshed and special as Isaac took my hand and we walked to the car. And even though we love each other, I knew we both felt in love at that very moment. He looked so handsome and I felt beautiful.

Bonefish was so good as always. And of course we ordered the bang-bang shrimp for an appetizer. The restaurant was not totally packed, which made things more enjoyable. And the waitress kept my ice-cold water glass full. So refreshing for a pregnant person!

On our way home we stopped at Blockbuster to rent a movie and ran into Giant to get some ice cream. The rest of the night is history.

Could I seriously ask for a better Saturday? Not in a million years!