My 10 SIMPLE Tips

No one is perfect. Getting healthy is challenging, and staying healthy can be too.

Here are 10 TIPS that serve me well on a daily basis. Some days I don't stick to all of them. Some days are better than others. But aiming for these each and every day will definitely set you on a road to success.

Remember, it is not always about the scale, it is about being healthy!

  1. Drink half your weight in ounces of water each day.
  2. Eat at LEAST 3 servings each of fruits and vegetables a day.
  3. Exercise 30 minutes or more each day.
  4. Don’t eat past 6:30-7PM.
  5. Think about how you will feel in the morning.
  6. PLAN ahead. Buy, prep, and eat what you enjoy. If you don’t like squash, don’t buy it. If you like tomatoes and cucumbers, eat those.
  7. Eat WHOLE. Eggs, Turkey Bacon, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, and Lettuce etc. require hardly any preparation and are easy to fix. So is fruit.
  8. Remember, the LORD is your PORTION. (Lam 3:24). Not food. The LORD.
  9. Keep it SIMPLE: Protein and Veggies at every meal. Limit starchy carbs. Especially ones that aren’t filling (chips, cookies, pizza).
  10. Make carbs your friend. You NEED them for energy to sustain yourself throughout the day. Carbs actually keep you going. Eat the healthy ones: fruits and veggies, to be exact.
  11. BRUSH your teeth after dinner!

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