Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year, and all that Jazz.

Let me start by saying that I had an exceptionally great month. Yes, month, of December. Looking back, each day was a blessing. And while work took me for a spin (especially trying to prepare for the winter break) a few of the days, all in all I couldn't have been more relaxed and blessed.

We had two visitors come from out of town, as they usually do this time of year, every year. My mother-in-law flew in from California and my father-in-law from Florida. They are both blessings and bring joy to our family in many ways.

I love December. Each year, it makes an impact on my personal and professional life.

This year, personally, it brought me excitement through my son's eyes. Watching him enjoy the Christmas tree and open up gifts, especially his new guitar that Grandma and Grandpop bought him, was a pleasure to see.

Professionally, it brought half days of work to enjoy more (personal) time with family and friends. And getting to leave the office for department lunches and festivities as the weeks ensued is always a treat.

December was very comfortable, and not to be cliche, but peaceful. Even though it's filled with the usual run-around, there were nights of movie and tv-watching, wine drinking, and fellowship. Lots of family dinners and beautiful decorations too. Call me cheesy, but this is what life is all about!

I can hardly believe 2012 is gone. Unfortunately, tomorrow will be the beginning of another, normal day however, but it's also the start of a brand new year.

I have to admit, I get rather annoyed at New Year's resolutions. Who keeps them? They seem forgotten and fallen by the wayside a few weeks in.  And before you know it, you're back where you started: off the diet, dusty, half-read books on a shelf, and prayer life subsiding.

Despite all that, New Year's happens to be one of my favorite holidays, I just recently discovered. HA! For some reason, I am really keen on "starting over," "new beginnings," and the freshness it brings. And while we don't have to have a holiday to do any of these things, New Year's Day (and all the hype it brings) is a great reminder and kick-start helper to nudge us in new directions.

In addition to launching a new web/blog site in the coming weeks (which I am so stoked about!), I will be undertaking another great venture in life.

On January 31st I will be starting the "Career Switcher Program" at Shenandoah University located in Leesburg. I learned about the program from a girl I went to high school with. I randomly ran into her when I tried my hand working at elements fitness. I was going to be a personal trainer there on the side, but after I passed my tests and got into the Career Switcher Program, I decided it would be too much.

She was helping me learn the equipment and the processes and procedures, and she mentioned to me briefly that she had just finished this program. I thought nothing of it and continued down my normal path of life.

For some reason it popped in my mind a week or so later and I racked my brain to try to remember some random words she used to describe it. And after many google searches, I found it and inquired.

The essence of the program is a five month classroom instructed pass or fail course, which at the end if you pass, gives you a teaching license in the state of Virginia. A couple stipulations: (1) you have to pass the VCLA (standard reading and writing test), and (2) you have you pass the Praxis II test in the specific subject area you want to teach. By God's grace alone I passed both.

You also have to have a bachelor's degree and five years of professional work experience. I had both of those as well.

So, to sum it up, I took the Health and Physical Education Praxis subject area test and once the course is over, will be certified to teach in that subject area accordingly. A PE teacher, yes PE TEACHER! YAHOO!

The challenge will be to find an open position in this area once I'm done, but I will trust the Lord for His provision!

As we all seek our passions with hopeful eyes in 2013, may we also remember His grace on 2012, the beckoning of His voice for tomorrow, and His loving hand.

Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Dreading Next Week and Closing the Condo

As I held him in my arms and we waved to daddy out the window, I caught a glimpse of what it would be like to be doing this full-time: staying home with my munchkin and watching daddy leave for work every day. Isn't that how it's supposed to be?

I lifted up the blinds so Levi could see out the window. He watched Isaac pull out of the driveway and flick on his siren for him to hear. He was so excited watching "dada" in his cool car as we looked out the front door and saw him drive away.

"This," I thought, "is where I want to be." Right there, at home, making lunches and dinners and playing xylophone while our Leaves runs around half naked banging on walls and making messes.

Unfortunately, I'm not able to be home all day every day or hold him while we watch daddy leave on week days, but at least grandma is instead. Count what blessings you do have. We are so fortunate that he's not in day care and blessed by family and friends who often lend helping hands.

Needless to say, all these things give me one reason to write a blog, and that is to therapeutically express these thoughts on paper in the form of posts. It often helps me sort through my thoughts in an organized fashion.

As of late, our current working and living situation has helped me realize that as a full-time working mom I stay very busy. Amidst my responsibilities at home and work, I still desire to pursue my own passions in fitness, writing, and other areas. Juggling so many things has allowed me to realize that maybe I can reach other moms and families who have many responsibilities like me, but also have other aspiring dreams alongside their domestic duties.

Having said that, I am in the middle of creating a brand new website with a fitness spin. The posts will stay the same for now, blogging about my regular ventures and insights. But it will also aim to help moms/families see how reaching goals are possible with the right strategy. And as time goes on, my eventual goal will be to integrate my fitness expertise in between, offering things like routines and exercises along the way.

I signed up for Twitter and created  a second Facebook page. Still in the works, the key is to make all things fluent and connected with the same theme.

A couple of friends have been helping me with the website and a logo, and I am so grateful!

In the meantime, I have to go back to work on Wednesday, and can I just say that I am not happy about it? This time off has been absolutely stellar. Spending time with Levi, being able to care for him all day, every day, spending time playing with him, sleeping in, and visiting with all kinds of family has been the best "break" I've had in a while. Boo for next week! (Though I do have some exciting news I will share with you in a few days on my New Year's post.)

Also, yesterday, we closed on our condo. FINALLY. It had been almost six months and we thought the day was never going to come. While it makes me sad to think of the memories, I couldn't be happier here on Windsor. We have so much to be thankful for.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Savannah in December

I've been waiting forever to write this post and even moreso been thinking about what I'd name it.

As you all know, last weekend Carrie and Anna and I went to Savannah for a friend's graduation. Fortunately, we didn't fight at all and most of our time was spent laughing (as we usually do). 

We took our leisurely time getting there stopping to pee every so often, and for coffee and this or that. It was enjoyable. And I actually finished my photography magazine, Exposed, that I've been dying to read ever since I got it in the mail. Not only does Jasmine Star have great photography and business building tips, but her life story and journey to becoming an entrepreneur was very captivating to read about. I. loved. every. page. of. it. I couldn't get enough. I didn't want it to end. 

More thoughts for a different post on another day, but what I found so interesting about her story was that she really did "expose" herself. Her struggles with having confidence in her industry and as a starving business builder were so relatable. She was real. She made sense. And she had (has) so much passion. I found her story completely motivating.

Having said a word about photography, below are about 59 photos I captured from our time (clearly her specific photography techniques have not been influential in my own photography yet, as you will see). Ones that I liked best and  appreciated most. They are by no means that great, but they were fun to take and I had a blast doing it (Anna may beg to differ as she and Carrie are my frequent models and get annoyed with me). 

But anyway, enjoy. 

And one quick note...Savannah. YOU MUST GO. 

There are so many words to describe it, but among the many are a few that stick out in my memory: dreamy, whimsical, move-like, eerie, mystical, beautiful, detail in every nook and cranny. 

There's so much I can say about our trip and how I felt when I was there looking at everything, but I think the pictures will describe it. PS - some of them were taken with my iPhone so the quality will not be as good.

In the car on the way!



Our hotel. Despite it's rustic look (the indoor walls had a rustic garage look to them also) it was totally nice inside.

Lobby of our hotel.

 First night "on the town."

Savannah River in the background.

River St (right by the water).

Breathtaking early morning fog.

One of the coolest things about the city was the area right on River St. The buildings were so tall that their tops had connecting bridges to the main part of town  creating three levels. It kind of reminded of the New York Subway system, but not really. LOL.

This was the only picture we got of the three of us. It was right before graduation.

This is the Savannah Georgia Convention Center where the graduation was held. We had to take the ferry to it. The ferry was free and came every 15 minutes.

 View from ferry. It was unbelievable.

Congrats Niz!

In hindsight a rather crooked photo, but this is a theater from 1921.  So cute!


 Another thing I loved about the town was that the lampposts flickered all day and night. Did you know Savannah was known for "ghosts?" The overall eerie-ness provided a bit of a spook factor as the area is apparently rich in this history. 

 Paula Deen's Lady and Sons!!


The moss in almost all the trees also provided a very wistful feeling.

Another thing I loved: the underground shops. Or bars. Or whatever they were. I don't really know because we didn't go, but they looked like underground alleys hosting bar entrances. Amazing.

This is where Anna's friend Liz "Niz" stayed. It was the Forsyth Park Inn Bed and Breakfast. Every bit of cuteness you could imagine inside. 

This was right before we left, snapping pictures from the outside. Stalk much?

This was right across the street and reminded me of The Secret Garden or The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

 Along the sidewalks were engraved bricks. Engraved! How intricate is that?

More homes in downtown Savannah.


I wanted to crawl up on the porch at the top of that house and drink a cup of coffee while reading a magazine.


Goodbye Savannah. :(