Friday, September 11, 2009

Hello, Friday.

This was one of those weeks I just couldn't wait to end. From wedding shower shopping to babysitting I am exhausted. I know, sounds stressful doesn't it? Tuesday was a day to catch up on bills and one other thing I needed to do, but that was my only day of relaxation, at the beginning of the week no less, and I knew that it would be my last until today. TGIF.

I've gotten to the point each day where I'm too exhausted to put a good effort into "straightening up the house" after I get home from work or to even make dinner. It probably has a lot to do with the fact that I'm a perpetual night owl and get no sleep, AT ALL, during the night (tossing and turning doesn't help, either). I used to never be like this. I actually felt bad when I went to bed with dishes in the sink or came home, took off my shoes, and missed the mat. But I am in no state, as of late, to so much as lift up a finger to wipe the crumbs off the counter. Forget ironing clothes, I can't even find energy to boil a hot dog for dinner. I've chosen to point my finger at my husband to do chores, instead (somehow, though, I end up doing them anyway). I guess he has an excuse: work, Army, and school will do a body tired (*cheez*).

It's sad, too, cuz' Friday nights used to be my thing. I can't remember the last time I actually didn't want to go out to eat after a week of work or want to stay up late and see a movie. Are we getting that old? I don't even have kids!

I'm at the point where I want a maid. Once a month would work. What happened to my energy and charisma? I think it plummeted south when I went to war with the metro.

Oh, the joys of the 8 to 5 life. At least I have Facebook to come home to--to gain knowledge about how crappy other folks' day went, or to read the string of 8 posts on how someone, since 9am that morning, has been filled with an upmost chipper spirit. Or better yet--how they've beaten Mafia Wars and added a friend to their Farmtown. That really excites me. Perhaps I will lose some friends after I post this. Don't worry...I was going to delete you anyway.

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