My roomate from college Kimberly, and her husband Jeremy, came to visit last week. Here are a few shots.
Playing Tennis.
Me, Jeremy, and Kimberly at Dunkin' Donuts after church.
The four of us at Kimberly's cousin's house.
Me and Kimberly in her cousins' GORGEOUS living room.
Meshell Davis, a friend of Carrie's whom she introduced Anna and I to years ago got married last Thursday, July 15th, at La Grange Winery (in Haymarket). It was marked what seemed like one of the hottest days of the year to date, smack-dab in the middle of summer. What better way to celebrate the glorious occasion but with friends and a Sangria in hand?
"I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stuart."
She made them stop and pose...I knew she would!
Isaac and Phil - goofball city.
Me n' JP
Isaiah and Caleb (Meshell and Thomas's sons respectively). Aren't they adorable?
Carrie and P.
All of us.
Had to throw a pic in there of Fifi...Anna and Big's new kitty. The 6 of us kids all went to their house later that night to eat pizza and watch Shutter Island.
I titled this next group of pics "Fun with Gramie" ... because that's exactly waht it was. Brunch followed by a swim at the pool with my sisters, niece, and cousin Macy turned out to be a fabulous mix. Although we didn't get much sun because it's an indoor pool, relaxing with the noodles were just what the doctor ordered(followed by several splashes in the face by the tween scheemers) for this Sunday afternoon. We don't get to see Gramie nearly as often as we all would like...
I love this pic.
Grams and such.
Indeed, if all our days could be as glorious as these we wouldn't have much to look forward to. Keep summer rolling!
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