Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Discipline of Commitment

"It is the intention to please God in all our actions ... that is they key to commitment to a life of holiness. If we do not make such a commitment to obedience without exception, we will constantly find ourselves making exceptions. We will have a 'just one more time' syndrome in our lives. But the truth is, the 'one more time' manner of thinking undermines our commitment. Every time we give in to a temptation, even though it may seem small and insignificant to us, we make it easier to give in the next time.

Sin has a tendency to exert an ever-increasing power on us if it is not resisted on every occasion. The apostle Paul wrote in Romans 6:19, 'Just as you used to offer the parts of your body in slavery to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness, so now offer them in slavery to righteousness leading to holiness.' ... Paul was referring to this ability and tendency of sin to exert a greater and greater pull on us as we give in to each temptation.

It does not matter whether the sin to which we are tempted is seemingly small or large. The principle we are looking at - that saying yes to any temptation weakens our commitment to resist sin - works in either case.

Just as we need to make a commitment not to sin willfully, so we need to make a commitment to put on or clothe ourselves with the positive virtues of Christian character. Remember that Paul said, 'Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience' (Col. 3:12). What is our intention regarding them? If we want to be like Christ in His character, we must commit ourselves to putting on His virtues.

It is not enough to stop cheating on our income tax returns; we must also learn to share with those in need. It is not enough to avoid being bitter against those who have wronged us; we need to forgive as God has forgiven us. It is not enough to pray that God will enable us to deal with a volatile temper; we must also ask Him to help us put on compassion and kindness.

And just as we need to make a commitment to deal with all sin in our lives without exception, so we need to make a commitment to be just as diligent in putting on the fruit of the Spirit...."

-Jerry Bridges
The Discipline of Grace

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