I have my personal training exam in 20 days and I am not ready.
I will have been studying for almost a year, come April, but something tells me I'm just not getting it all yet.
I really think my problem is that I am not devoting enough of myself, or my time, to really delving in and soaking the material up. And that is, of course, my fault.
Through the course of studying the personal training material I learned a lot. A lot more than I knew before I started. And some things are sticking with me like glue, while others are not -- especially when I try to explain something to someone.
Also through the course of studying, I have enjoyed learning about things that have helped put my own workouts into perspective. And they allow me to relate much easier to what I'm doing. At the same time, it's also made me realize that maybe my passion in not in training one-on-one, but perhaps groups.
Back in November, I started teaching a cardio boot camp class for my co-workers in our training room at the office. One any given Thursday at 4:30 p.m. five to six people will show up with their mats, handweights, and enthusiasm while I pretend to look like I know what I'm doing with my iPod out of sync and my calling of numbers that are seemingly off. But I thoroughly enjoy it (and I hope they do too).
I've found that coming up with new steps and drills can be challenging week after week though, and when you have nine other things on your plate, time consuming. But once you have a few routines down you begin to get a feel and comfort for how to run the classes. It's like one day it just hits you, and it all connects.
As I was saying, I am really enjoying teaching this class and discovered that my passion may lie moreso in this. The energy and power and excitement of leading people to bust moves to music with their own power and energy gives me the thrill I've always wanted to experience.
The problem is that I already purchased my expensive materials for the personal training gig a while back and becoming a certified group exercise teacher is more money.
Another day, another passion unfolding...
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