Before I forget what glorious memories I had today, I want to write them down.
I had to stop by G.C. Round Elementary School after work to take a few shots for an article I'm writing. The school is located in Manassas of course, and is in an area that I hardly ever drive near anymore. In fact, it's located semi-near Isaac's old house on School St.
Slow, dreary rain was falling and I had to pee like a racehorse (as usual), so I didn't get to savor the moments as much as I'd have liked to.
Nevertheless, I had to drive through Wellington to get to it, which is in the once "newer" part of Manassas where the wealthier families lived - and perhaps still do. Like any neighborhood, newer communities get dingy over time if not upkept and become out-of-date. I wouldn't say Wellington is that way yet, but I could see it getting there in another decade or so.
As I drove up Clover Hill and down to Hastings where I would make my right to go to the school, I was reminded of a hidden park that Isaac and I went to back when we were in high school. Come to think of it, Isaac and I had many favorite places and parks we liked to visit over the years. I wonder why we don't go to them anymore?
This one particular date we went on though was so special and I will never forget it.
I remember him being so excited to take me to this park. He had talked about wanting to take me there a few times and it seemed so special to him.
It was one of our very first dates, I think.
The park was actually more of a pond, a hidden area back in the middle of a secret cove of houses that no one ever saw. From what I remember the asphalt-paved pathway leading to it from the road took you straight there.
I remember going there my first time and thinking - wow, does this really exist?
It was pitch dark out, and it was beautiful.
We sat there on a picnic table talking and looking at the lily pads in the pond while the frogs made their annoying groggy noises. I miss those noises now.
I will never forget that night.
Through the years Isaac and I have made many, many memories. But our first ones I will always cherish. He has been a part of my life since as long as I can remember. And sometimes, I forget there ever was a time he wasn't a part of my life.
I love that we have known each other for so long, that we grew up together, and that we have so many beautiful memories like these to share with each other and our children.
I think that you should take him on a picnic there - for old time sake. Would be super romantic.