Friday, May 17, 2013

Sunshine-y Day

I need a new computer. Levi tore some keys off my keyboard, including the period button, and it's really hard to type! (Ahem, Isaac Robert Gresham if you're reading computer please. :))

It is great to see the sunshine out again. The past few weeks filled with pretty much nonstop rain was a drag. Who knew light existed? Well it does. And it's beautiful!

Levi has been playing outside a lot these past few days at home in the backyard with either "dada" or Mimi. So needless to say, a bath has been in order every night. from the chalk and dirt residue stuck between his cute little fingers.

I've been drinking chocolate protein shakes for breakfast lately. The GNC Spiru-Meal ones. They're alright. Nothing to write home about. And after I bought it I read a blog post and was reminded of Sun Warrior again. So I finally did my much anticipated due research on it and I'm definitely going that route on my next purchase. All that's running through my head right now is: hurry up and drink the GNC stuff so you can get the good stuff! Apparently it's not grainy at all. Smooth as sand. Raw Vegan. Completely plant-based protein.

You might say, "What happened to your Shaklee shakes?" Nothing. I love Shaklee. But they replaced their Cinch line with something else I'm not very familiar with yet and they call them smoothies now, not shakes. Plus, I'm really excited to try Sun Warrior. And I'm getting a little more bang for my buck.

Last night I watched American Idol. I was glad I pre-recorded it because I could fast forward through most of the junk. What has happened to music? So much has gone down hill. It's not even music anymore. Even Mariah Carey stunk. Sorry, I love her. But it was not good. Was she even singing?

This week, I'm grateful for a few special things. A planned, unplanned night home with Levi. A work day home with Levi (today). The ability to rearrange a crazy schedule for some sanity. And sunshine.

Sunshine. Something smells so good about it. And it's finally, FINALLY getting warmer. Though July is my favorite month, I love the pre-summer months too, leading up to the dog days, because I'm reminded of what is to come...the heat that's about to set in, bringing on sun burns, sweat, and tank tops.

Here's to summer! Enjoy your day.


  1. What? No photos...LOL...

    Great post...and congrats to Candice Glover...American Idol


  2. Just posted with photos!! :) I was rooting for Kree, but congrats to Candace.
