Thursday, July 16, 2015

Breaking Free

There are moments when I feel so excited about all the things I want to do in life that I can't imagine doing anything else but writing to get my joy out.

I'm not even sure really what I'm excited aBOUT, but often times I have so much brewing in my mind that I can't do much else until I write it down. Do you ever get that way?

I haven't blogged in a LONG time. I'm talking a year. And I'm not quite sure why.

I've been bummed about my blog site itself. The way it looks, the capabilities of it, thinking it's not very interesting or very pretty to look at. Who reads it? You know, the standard things we all think.

There are a million and one blogs out there so WHY would someone be interested in mine? I guess the key is to keep moving forward. To keep doing what I'm doing, and doing what I love to do. The rest, as they say, will fall into place.

God has placed a sense of belonging on my heart.

Often, I have a hard time knowing where I belong, IF I belong, or why I DON'T belong.

The thing is, I WANT to belong. Somewhere, to some THING, in some way.

The truth?

I belong with Him. To Him. All the time.

For years, I wandered around worrying about fitting in. Being on point. Doing things I thought everyone else wanted me to do. Trying to measure up and COMPARING myself to others' achievements, successes, triumphs, and even failures and weaknesses.

Gosh, was I doing life all wrong.

The Lord reminds me daily that I belong to Him. That HE is my Creator, He is my shelter, and that I need HIM, and Him ONLY.

Instead of looking for answers in things I don't need, or that aren't healthy for me, I have an awareness to look for them in the places I can find real shelter. In Him.

The Lord teaches me daily that my body is a temple and that I am to honor Him with it. That it is not to be abused. That it is a gift, from Him, to be empowered to glorify Him with it.

And He shows me daily how I long to help others, especially women, see this Truth too.

I can meal plan and work out until the cows come home, but if I do not do it with Jesus-powered self-esteem, a humble confidence, a quiet trust, and a pure heart, then I am doing it in vain.

I will NEVER, I repeat NEVER, be a size 2 model with long legs. I will NEVER be naturally tan. I will NEVER be naturally blonde. I will NEVER be 25 again. I will NEVER be perfect.

We have to be OK with this. Why? Because He teaches us to love Him and honor Him with our minds, our bodies, and our spirits. Because He is the only way. And because all of the worldly fleshly things we seek are but vapors, waiting to be vanished.

Fixing our eyes on heaven while we glorify God with our bodies on earth is a whole outlook I am beginning to explore.

God is revealing to me daily how much I need to love my body. The one He gave me. To love it's intricacies, and to LOVE and ENJOY exercise and nutrition. Not because I HAVE to, but because I want to. And because it's fun. And because I want to reach hearts and share the message that we are beautiful, loved, creatures.

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