Friday, August 14, 2015


Who will you be?

I never really asked myself this question until yesterday when I received a gift card in the mail from Dick's Sporting Goods.

They found me on Instagram, out of the blue, and asked for my address so they could send me something in the mail. Thinking it was a scam, or SPAM, I direct messaged them my work address so they didn't have my home address.

Turns out it was NOT a scam and I received a physical letter in the mail with an enclosed gift card for $100. I was blown away!

I enjoy what I do as a coach and I love health and fitness. But I often wonder if I'm ever making a difference, if anyone watches my videos or looks at my posts that I put time into, and if I'm actually reaching anyone.

Yesterday, when I received that piece of mail, I was so inspired and felt so thankful. It was almost like God reached down and said "Melissa, I see you. Keep doing what you're doing." I was richly blessed and more motivated than ever to "keep doing what I'm doing." If no one and nothing else, than for my audience of One.

Enclosed in the letter were the words "You're a great example of #WhoWillYouBe" followed by a video.

I watched the video. I got chills. And I realized, women are freakin' strong creatures man, who FIGHT. Every day. For their husbands, their children, their sanity, their bodies, their passions, their goals and dreams, their health, and in some cases, their God.

Earthly life is a physical, emotional, and spiritual battle on a daily basis, I think, especially for women. With the demands of child-bearing and child-rearing, keeping house, planning and cooking meals, working jobs, and somewhere in between trying to fit in an aspiration or two, it is downright TOUGH. And the battle is not easy.

Take heart. We have Him. And He TRULY is all we need.

Who will I be? A fighter. A follower of Christ. A wife, mom, sister, daughter, friend and fitness coach who yearns to be a warrior and hear the pulse of Jesus.

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