Dishes sit in the sink, unbathed for days, collecting leftover remnants from meals like Chinese takeout and colored noo-noo's, nibbled on by a little boy.
My tiny house is a constant war-zone. A place where galloping around the house with swords is an every day event and brushing teeth is like PULLING teeth.
This weekend was no exception.
And particularly because of the "Blizzard of 2016," as they are calling it, that hit us on Friday.
Being cooped up has had it's pluses, and downsides. In addition to chores and tons of usual weekend crap to do, it's got us all snuggled together, in sweatshirts and footies, doing our puzzle and drinking hot chocolate. Catching up on shows and visiting with neighbors, and indulging in oh-so-not-healthy Ramen noodles that are so wrong they're right. Everyone knows it, about the Ramen.
The snow that has hit us, and finally stopped, has given us a great and much needed opportunity to disconnect from the outside world. To be closer to each other and spend time in stillness and peace, off the road and out of traffic. Playing outside and making memories, for which I know we'll look back on fondly.
My neighbor had a meet and greet party planned for Saturday night, when the snow was a blowin' and the blizzards were a blizzardin' at it's peak. I thought she would cancel it, but to our surprise she didn't. More to our surprise were the amount of people who actually still came.
At 5:30, we bundled up in our 16 layers of clothing and trekked three houses down with our only two bags of (Lay's) chips (commence whining for my now non-existent night snack), and knocked on her door (WHO, by the way, is an older sister of someone Isaac graduated in his high school class with. It's weird how life comes full circle sometimes, and weird visiting with a familiar face that I never thought I'd get to know).
Everyone set their boots on towels and draped their coats on chairs. How did everyone look so put together? I had no makeup on and my hair was atrocious.
But anyway...
We were not thrilled about wading over there in hip-deep snow, but I'm glad we did. It was such a cozy little gathering and a sweet chance to meet neighbors and huddle up together in the storm.
Summer is my favorite time of year, without a doubt. And I'm already phenin' for it. Badly.
But this winter I'll always remember...
That time Levi and I bundled up and walked to "Red Mimi's" through mounds of snow.
That time all three of us had a "snowball" fight (the snow was not snowball material).
That time our Honda was absolutely covered!!

That time we finished our 1,000 piece puzzle.
I love these times when we get to sit and chill and do nothing, trapped inside the house. With no worries but entertaining ourselves. We need more of it.
We need more simplicity. As a whole. In general. In society.
I'm thankful for this blizzard (though I'm hoping it didn't negatively impact too many people across the east, leaving them without power and such).
And while my heart is aching for spring and summer, I'll always remember this!!!
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