I was thinking about our brains the other day, and how amazingly well they were crafted so that we think, speak, and do everything we are supposed to do at exact timing. Don't analyze that too much (there goes your brain working) because I am talking about it in a general sense.
I'm not saying that we necessarily do everything when our brain tells us we should, which if we don't usually forms into procrastination--like picking up the ice cream instead of going to the gym or writing blogs instead of cleaning the house. But, what I am suggesting is that we have this amazing ability to be able to know what to do when we need to do it, like sending an email at work, for example. You know that if someone writes you an email asking for something you need to respond. You can't just (or shouldn't) leave them hanging. Or, perhaps you do because you are procrastinating. But, I'm serious here. Our brains are brilliant.
Our brain knows that in the morning when we check our email, and 6 orders have shipped the night before, we have to send tracking information to our clients for those 6 shipments. And our brains know how to send them, what to say in the email, and how to gather the information we need to do so. It even knows to remind us how to open up a brand new email template. These things are so simple, yet inside our brain millions of neurons are working together to formulate these thoughts for us. It is truly amazing. We do not have to do any in depth thinking or studying on how to get up out our chair to go grab something off the printer. Our brain knows that we need to bend our knees, lift our butt up off our seat, and start walking. This is such a simple part of life, but when you break it down and really think about it, it blows my mind.
On another note, I was in church the other day listening to a sermon called "The Sanctity of Life." It was about how babies are God's creation and that before we were in the womb He knew us. Pastor Bob talked about how babies body parts formulate more and more each week as they grow in the mother's belly and at about 7 months they can start to have REM sleep, which means they can dream while they're sleeping! When I hear stuff like this, it boggles my mind. God can craft one person from an egg and allow it to grow inside a woman, in a perfect habitat--each one with a different DNA that he handpicked for that one being. And then, watch that mother give birth through a tiny canal.
I can't even begin to describe how this struck me when I really fathomed the complexity of the human body and mind...
Great post Missy! Good to see that brain of yours is working.
Thanks, Pop.