We went to a Wizards game on Saturday night. It was fun. We stopped at Rosa Mexicano beforehand to grab a little dinner. Actually, it was not little. You did not see the bill. I have been dying to get Carrie there because they have the best Guacamole dip (albeit I’m not a guac fan) and she is a big Mexican food eater. It’s right across from the Verizon Center. I love Rosa’s because the atmosphere is classy, yet a little fun with an edgy spice. It makes me feel like I’m in New York or San Francisco eating at an upscale joint. Isaac loves their Pomegranate Margaritas. He’s all about the tartness and I can’t handle it.
Carrie and Phil picked us up in the 4Runner and we took 66 to the metro. 66 was the worst I’ve ever seen it and frankly, I can’t believe we trekked out there in the cold windy snow storm. Did I bring my gloves or wear my hat? No. It was all for the “memories” if you ask Carrie. Granted, we do always have fun no matter what. I learned a bit more about Phil as well. He’s funny and loves to dance just like me. Give him a beat and he’ll take four.
The Wiz won, at least. And Miller was beast.
I still can’t get over the fact that it snowed on a Saturday again. Why did it have to be a Saturday? Why couldn’t it be a Thursday or Wednesday? Then perhaps I’d get a day off work or at least a 2-hour delay. I know, I know, I’m not in school anymore…but I can pretend can’t I? Who wants to go to work in 19 degree weather? Not me.
Today is another day and another dollar…trying to get along with a job I’m not crazy about and staying afloat. I have visions on my way to work in the morning about doing something I love. And what or where or when exactly that is, I suppose is yet to be revealed. I have ideas and dreams, but it’s all in God’s timing I must tell myself. All in God’s timing.
At least Isaac is living out his dreams—though I think they were dreams formed over time. I don’t always remember him wanting to be a solider or a Police Officer. He was always the businessman prototype, as we know. But, I’m learning that sometimes we are given new dreams according to God’s will and plan and that we learn to love what we never first envisioned for ourselves. How much more amazing can it get?
He is into his third week of the Academy and today he is at the Prince William County Fairgrounds where he starts training with the police car (for those of us who know him, you know he is beside himself). The pour soul gets carsick when he is not driving, though. Let’s hope he comes home tonight in tact. He was excited, I could tell, because he talked about it all weekend. What guy wouldn’t be…who legally gets to drive 90mph doing 360s in a parking lot? My suggestion would be to stay away from that part of town this week.
He’s doing well, though. I’m very proud of him. I know I always say it, but I am. I never thought my husband would be serving in the military and in the police force. As they say, he’s finding himself. Am I scared for his safety? Yes. Am I worried he will get deployed? Yes. But do I see passion in his eyes? Yes. Do I see a sure fire in his heart? Yes. I do. All of the above. He loves his country, he loves his community, and not many can say that with assuredness and truth. He’s an inspiration to me. I’ll admit, it was once I who was passionate and bold-hearted in my aspirations, but now I’m the one in a holding pattern. I’m the one on the ground waiting for lift-off. I’ve gotta be patient…
And of course, all dreams come with hard work. Shining your boots and ironing your clothes every night takes discipline. And add two hours of homework to that from a jumbo book and you’ve got college all over again. It will all be worth it once he gets the badge, though, and he knows it. I wouldn’t doubt he gets an award, either. There have already been two dropouts, plus he’s about third in line to the top running record in his Academy.
It’s moments like these in life…dreams like these in life, which are being fulfilled before our eyes that make me happy and appreciative of the times when we hold fast for what we think will never come. Steven Furtick from Elevation Church Live calls it reaping what we sow. He said we always reap what we sow, we always reap more than we sow, and we always reap later than we sow. Isaac has begun to see the fruit from the seeds he planted a while ago.
And so, I hold fast to my dreams…to my visions…and wait for answers. I’m excited to see what directions lie in the future and I hope this inspires you the same. And for now, I will tend to sip my coffee, write to you, and tune in to Third Day for motivation...
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