Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Encouraging Words from Job

In my previous post where I mentioned that I have started to read the Bible in chronological order as the events occur in real time, I am now in the book of Job. As such, I came across two passages of scripture yesterday that touched me and I thought I'd share them with you.

In the midst of the Health Care phenomenon and the ever-increasing awareness of a changing America, we must take hope in knowing that God's grace is abundant. Despite our performance, He desires for us to live through Grace, and to know that He loves us even still.

Job 10: 14-16
If I sinned, you would be watching me and would not let my offense go unpunished. If I am guilty-woe to me! Even if I am innocent, I cannot lift my head, for I am full of shame and drowned in my affliction. If I hold my head high, you stalk me like a lion and again display your awesome power against me.

Job 11:13-16
Yet if you devote your heart to him and stretch out your hands to him, if you put away the sin that is in your hand and allow no evil to dwell in your tent, then you will lift up your face without shame; you will stand firm and without fear. You will surely forget your trouble, recalling it only as waters gone by.

It does seem like we deserve so much wrath for the way we have misbehaved, but how freeing is it to know that He is still the lifter of our heads even in the darkest of hours? God does, indeed, have a plan for us, for this country, and knowing that He is in control brings me more comfort than I could hope for.

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