Friday, March 19, 2010


Well folks, it's finally Friday. That means it's time to jump and up and down and do the funky dance. Woo!

I'm sitting at work, here in the Chantilly office, in my office, and no one is bothering me. It's music to my ears. I've got all my work done. A few things keep popping up in my inbox on this beautiful, non-attention spanned day, but I cannot seem to get my mind off of getting out of here.

I had a couple of client previews today. That always makes the time go by. Clients come in, I lead them to the show room and chat for a few with them and the sales rep to build rapport. We train them on how to set up their display and then they're on their way. It's exciting stuff, let me tell ya.

What is planned this weekend? Well it's being kicked off with a work Happy Hour "Dip Off" at 3:30p, planned by our fabulous Events Committee. I am not even in the mood to have a drink. I just want a cup of joe. Starbucks, to be exact. I had to settle for 7-eleven coffee this morning because my dumb butt didn't set my alarm right. I'm famous for that. We were going to see Shutter Island with some friends tonight, but Isaac has to get up early for drill, so we may just watch our Netflix at home. Besides, I like my Friday afternoons trotting off to the mall or such before settling in. As I said, Isaac's off to drill Saturday and Sunday and I'm headed to an all-day retreat with Mom and the sisters tomorrow. Pretty busy weekends we've been having lately, I'll say.

Has anyone ever been to Okra's? I'd like to go there one day soon as the weather gets nicer and sit out on the patio with a glass of riesling and listen to the live music. I'm ready for nice weather and the breeze and the pool and the beach.

The summer of 2010 is fast approaching. What in the world happened to the past decade? I thought just yesterday I was graduating high school, let alone, college. Now, I have all these bills and responsibilities of a grown up--and being grown up is for the birds! I'm just saying...

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