Thursday, September 30, 2010


I love them. I love them because they give me hope that Friday is right around the corner. Thursdays remind me that I can stay up late because I only have one more day of work ahead so if I go to bed at an ungodly hour I can recoup on my missed sleep Saturday morning. So, that's what I'm doing right now...enjoying my Thursday evening.

Mondays for me are sad and depressing because they remind me of work and how pitiful I feel when I am preparing myself to go there (it's a good thing nobody I work with reads this that I know of because they might think I don't like my job...not that you're supposed to sing and dance every time you go to work, but some people actually claim to love their's just that I'm not one of them). Work is either really bland or really busy. Like this Monday when I practically pulled my hair out and almost broke the vow I made to not search for jobs on my work computer. Depending on the weather Mondays can end well because they give me light that Tuesday is at the end of the day's tunnel. LOL.

I have my whole weekly routine worked out you see. Tuesdays are the meaningless days. Who needs a a Tuesday? What purpose does it serve? It's right in between two days that actually have some sort of meaning. But I guess you can't have those two days without the one in between. Tuesdays are a little annoying to me. I try to pass them by with a glass of wine at night preceding one of my favorite TV shows, glee. Most of the time I don't get to watch it live though because at this current state in my life I'm studying on Tuesday nights.

We all know Wednesdays are hump days. I think that's enough said. It's the day where people get to hear themselves say an over-used phrase EVERY week to make themselves feel better that they're almost, not quite, but almost there. Wednesdays can be a little akward because it's not like you can stay up late or do anything outlandish as there are still two more days left in the week. BLAH!

Thursdays are the best days by far, of all. (Fridays are really the best, but speaking in terms of the feelings on essential week days that have no relevance to the weekend, I'd have to say I almost get more excited about this day than Friday). I hate myself when I wake up on Friday mornings, though, because I've stayed up too late. But I usually don't care because I only have one more day to go and if anything happens at work on Friday that I don't feel like dealing with, I can deal with it Monday! Of course I hate myself again on Monday, which repeats the cycle, but you get the drift. I wish every day was Thursday.

Fridays are of course the best day of all. No one's really focusing at work and people are extending their conversations at the water coolers, etc. But one thing I find funny (I was going to say particularly at my own office, but I don't think that's the case so I'll say particularly in my own life) is that I'm either all decked out or wearing something that adds no accentuation to my weekly wardrobe repertoire. Either I'm ready to get my weekend on or I'm ready to chill and do absolutely nothing. There are some weeks where I feel in-between about my weekend prelude feelings, but I'm usually in one mood or the other.

Before long, the weekend's over and the viscious rotation starts again. Hrumph!

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