Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Lovely Saturday at Mom and Pop’s

Been hanging out at Mom and Pop’s a lot lately this spring. Since Isaac’s gone a lot of nights I go over there and hang, or do work on the garden. But today Isaac was actually off for once and we both went over to garden! However by the time we got there Pop and Carrie had already unloaded and tilled a new batch of compost. Oopsie! :)

We were visiting Mema before we came over and we didn’t make it in time. But don’t worry, there’ll be plenty more to do in the coming weeks when we start planting.

Here’s our lineup: cucumbers, maters, onions. I can’t remember if we are doing any potatoes. There will also be a fruit patch made up of blueberries, blackberries, and a few herbs. The strawberry patch remains in the front yard.

Isaac and I hung out a little while longer and visited. Here are a few pics to update you on the comings along of the garden and some other usual nonsense around these parts. We are nuts!

Isaac taking a “stab” at wood chopping.

Garden 003

 Garden 004

Garden! Isn’t she a beaut? Nice job today Pop and Carrie!

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Cleaning the rototiller.

 Garden 006

Blueberries and blackberries.

 Garden 007'

Hi Care!

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Strawberry patch!

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There’s my hunk!

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Precious Mom.

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There he is folks…Mark W. Weaver.

 Garden 014

1 comment:

  1. Gardening! Been wanting to start one myself, just afraid of the daunting task. Very beautiful. Looks like you'll be eating alot of wonderful things soon!
