We have had a lot of rain this month. I thought April showers were supposed to bring May flowers? It seems like April showers brought more May showers. We can’t complain too much here though because the grass is as green as ever (though growing at lightning speed). It has helped our garden sprout the beans we planted and the tomato plants are nearly wilting over that Pop had to put temporary stakes in them.
Aside from trying to manage the garden (Pop does a lot of watering and helping out when we don’t make it over), pretty much the same old is going on. I did plant some flowers on our deck, which I regret to tell you I think I may have over-watered (LOL), but they look beautiful. Went to Southern States with Mom last weekend and we picked a few together. She’s got her own batch going in the front of the house. I planted mine in pots. I bought begonias and petunias. They are pretty. Especially the purple petunias.
We also had a celebration for Daniel’s graduation on Sunday. He graduated from VCU. We had hot dogs and hamburgers and they were so yummy. The taste of a grilled hot dog just melts my soul. Anna and I saw Bridesmaids later that night, which was HIL-ARIOUS. You must see it, especially if you like dry humor. It was a smidge raunchy at various parts, so don’t take the kids, but it was definitely well worth the free ticket. HA!
(Notice the pic of Chip wedged in the bag. Mariah’s stepsister wanted to take him home with her and sneakily tried to stash him away. Little did she know he was going to get stuck in the zipper and require adult attention. Oops!)
I will be 23 weeks pregnant tomorrow! Here is a pic at 22 1/2 weeks. I seriously don’t look that huge. It is just the dress I say!
Great stuff Kiddo!
ReplyDeleteThanks Pop!