Saturday, December 3, 2011

Back to Work Thoughts

This is my first full week back to work after a short maternity leave and boy do I miss being home with little Leevs.

I’ve been back to work since November 14th, but that week marked half days. And the week after was Thanksgiving, so I haven’t felt the effect of being a full-time working mom until now. Boy is it exhausting! Not only is it exhausting, but I miss my little lovebug desperately.

Isaac’s been watching Levi most of the day until he goes to grandmas at 3 o’ clock and I come to get him. That only marks the middle of what turns out to be a looong day.

I’m getting up anywhere between 5 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. now depending on when Levi wakes up. I have never been a morning person so this has been a shock to my system, lol. By the time I head to work I feel like I’ve already lived a full day. While I’m trying to brush my teeth and put on my makeup, pump, and change my clothes I attempt to be as quiet as possible since Isaac is in the next room asleep. Half the time Levi is cranky and fidgety so I’m dragging him from room to room with me with his bink hanging out of his mouth trying to keep him from making a peep. Not really that easy! He’s a good sport, though.

We have our routine, for the most part. Wake, feed, swing. Mommy gets the coffee brewing and her makeup on, pumps while Levi has some play time on his mat, and then I straighten the house a little, get dressed, and hand him off to Isaac. If it’s a morning where he has worked the night before he’s usually overly exhausted.

Though I get my time with him at night I’m jealous of Isaac’s time with him during the day. By the time I go pick him up from grandma’s around 5:45 p.m. he is ready to feed again and nearly ready to be put down for bed. I try to get a few minutes of “us” time in before his little eyelids droop him off the face of the earth, but it gets difficult since I have to shower, get something to eat myself, and do a little cleaning. Needless to say, some things have fallen by the wayside.

The night ends when I start preparing myself for another day…make lunch, get coffee ready, and prepare bottles for next day’s pumping at work. And I feel like I’m doing it practically as soon as I get home. The day needs about five added hours at least.

A new definition of the word pooped has been created in my household!

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