Sunday, February 21, 2016

Once in life.

Once in life you turn 33.

Your sister makes you a special cake (that's even your favorite color). You gather with family at everyone's favorite restaurant in town and eat greasy pizza that comforts your soul.

You open a few gifts that make your heart leap because they were bought with love. And you kiss your little niece who smells like toots and formula.

You laugh with your older niece. You "get" each other. And reminisce about her armpit catching fire at the last shindig at Mimi's.

You try to tame your son who has had too much sugar from the Paula Dean cake and is running around like a madman, dancing his moves to songs being played by Papaw in the background.

You take in your mom's hostess beauty, the way she never uses paper plates, and the way her candles are lit making the evening cozy.

A few days ago you were one age younger. One WHOLE age.

Today, you are that much closer to the end of your physical life.

And while you may not feel or look old to the rest of the world, you feel and look old to yourself.

For, just moments ago you were running in the backyard with neighbors who are now grown up too, some even going through their own struggles and finding their way back home again.

You were riding bikes and buying penny candy at the candy store that is now a tasting room for wine.

Moments ago you were getting your first beat up car and making $9 an hour at the local gift shop up the street.

You were doing back flips on the track at the high school football game and watching your boyfriend carry your cheer box back to that beater car.

You were at the prom wearing your custom-made, green shiny dress and glowing more than ever from all those trips to the "Aloha Tanning" booth.

You were broke, and in college, and in love.

You were walking down the aisle, letting loose tears of joy.

You were imperfect. Still and always.

You learned many life lessons. Including the true meaning of love.

You gave birth.

You felt a new kind of love.

You realized how important family was.

And that it's all that matters now. That and knowing Christ more deeply.
