Thursday, March 24, 2016


All these years and I've finally figured it out.

Exercise really IS about having fun.

Toned abs. Chiseled arms. Muscular legs.

That's all well and good, but if you're not having a BLAST while you're doing it, then what's the point?

Unless you're training for a marathon, the Olympic games, or some other kind of competition, I recommend fully embracing your sweat sesh.

There is SO much pressure to be this or that. Do this or that. Try a new workout. Get the on-demand version. Follow her. Tweet this.

You must do YOU. And mean it.

If you like to dance while you work out, then do it. If you like to play upbeat music, then do it. If you like to do bridge poses like you're 12 and in gymnastics class again, do it. Roller skates? Go for it.

Working out is ALL about you. And that is what I love about it. There is SO much variety to choose from. Sweating should just be the RESULT of an effort to having fun.

Moving the body is mechanical, but it's also natural. We move our bodies every day. And finding a way to do that, that makes you happy and delighted, is key.

It IS good to push yourself. That is how you see results. Honestly. You won't see results if you're not. But there is magic in doing it in a way that is enjoyable.

A lot of Christian music bores me. I'm gonna say it. It does. So, I've got to find an approach using clean music that is upbeat.

I find so much inspiration from music. Feeling the beat gets me SUPER pumped.

It isn't about move, it's about getting a good workout and feeling like a million bucks that is the key.

Feel it. Move to it. Groove to it. Work it. Push. Sweat. Pump. Breathe. And be YOU.

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