Monday, August 22, 2011

“You Know How We Do”

I have been getting a little stressed about the baby's arrival and thinking about all the little things that have to get done before he gets here. There are so many things we need for him that we don't have yet: pampers, bottles, pacifiers, diaper genie, play mat, swing, etc. We still need to get the curtains and shelf hung. I need to pack my bag, I need to look up what I need to pack in my bag. Etc.

In addition to all these things I'm also worrying about how good of a mother I'll be and if I'll know how to breastfeed right and give him a bath correctly. I keep worrying about money and finances too and wondering how much all his needs and the doctor bills are going to affect our bank account.

I can imagine these are normal feelings for any mother-to-be, or parent-to-be, for that matter. It's a whole new ball field for us first-timers who haven't a clue what even scratch mittens were until just a few short months ago.

And then it dawned on me. Why does this have to be so stressful?

I'm trying to get everything into place for his arrival - lined up and in order and organized and washed and set just right. I'm trying. But I can't be perfect. It will not be perfect.

This is life. This is who we are. We're not millionaires on the verge of hiring a full-time nanny and I'm not going to be a stay at home mom. We are going to be tired and exhausted, normal human beings struggling to make it just like everyone else. And somehow, that comforts me so much.

When it dawned on me, the words "let's have fun with this" came to my heart. And then I excitedly shared it with Isaac.

I told him that I want to make this an adventure - another new thing that we're trying on (although when you try something on you can generally give it back if you want. No can do in this case, lol). But seriously, I told him, let's just give this our all and do what we do best, and that is to be us. Let's have fun with this!

And as usual, he had the most simple and comforting response. "We always do, hun. You know how we do," he said.

And he's right. Here I am getting wrapped up in all the logistics of new baby stardom when I'm forgetting that this is just another new and exciting adventure for us. One of the many we’ve endured over the years.

From the beginning, Isaac and I have always thrived on life and new experiences and letting the road take us where we felt God led. We've jumped in with both feet and figured things out together - and we've done so since we were 15 and 16. We practically grew up together and figured out this thing called life side by side. I am so proud to be a part of that.

My visions now of our life together include living in simple pleasures like reading books and going to high school football games on Friday nights as a family. Taking him on bike rides to 7-eleven to get a slurpee for a special treat and spending time together making cookies as opposed to watching too much TV. I want to plan to embrace our cramped living space as much as we can and learn how to make the best of our means. Not being a stay-at-home mom will make this hard, but I hope both Isaac and I can aim to at least try.

I do “know how we do” - and I love how we do what we do.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Since August 16, 2010

Facebook has a new notification box I just saw on the right hand side of the screen. It is laced with a spread that reads "On this day in 2010." And with that, it tells you what your status was last year on that same day.

When I logged in today it said, "On this day in 2010...Melissa Gresham practiced cartwheels on the grassy knoll during my run tonight. Perhaps I'll work it up to getting my backhandspring back. Or perhaps I will just break my back.”

I can't believe I was doing that just a simple year ago.

Can you imagine me doing a backhandspring now, or even a CARTWHEEL? Gosh, how much things change in just a year. All I have now are visions of myself panting for breath while WALKING up the slightest hill. Yes, the time has come for the last trimester.

What else was I doing a year ago?

We had just gotten back from our vacation in the Outer Banks I believe -- that lovely stay we endured at the Oasis Suites with Phillip and Carrie, and later were joined by John and Anna & Co. We all had our fair share of playing spades and drinking yuengling beer as I recall, and spent some time on the treadmill breaking sweats just before hitting the sparkling, bare pool. We bowled and ate dinner out and shopped. And some of us were, to some extent, more "free" than we are today.

Fast forward a year: I'm about to have a baby. Phillip and Carrie are married and making their home a nest for Phillip's two young boys. Mariah completed her first year of middle school, Daniel graduated college, and Tiffany got her driver's license. What a year will do and how it can bring such excitement.

As I ponder on this past year I wonder what I have done, what I have accomplished... How has this year changed or shaped me? Did I backslide? Did I draw closer to the Lord? I only hope to say that I have.

We planted our first garden with Pop's MAJOR help. Cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, and beans. Needless to say the tomatoes didn't turn out the best but the cucumbers were awesome! Also needless to say, with my pregnancy and Carrie getting married, we slacked off with its upkeep. It is a bit of a jungle at the moment needing some serious weeding. I suppose we are gearing up for fall now and the garden is on it's way to witherdom anyway.

I started writing for Manassas Patch, a local online newsletter, and managed to make enough in just a few short months to pay off our dining room table and buy some other small things I've been wanting like a replacement iPod and a customized frame for our wedding photo. Woohoo! (It's the little things, I tell ya.)

Mom and Pop have seemed to (mostly) get their upstairs room cleaned out - and declutterfy, if you will, a smidge starting with the storage areas, which I must say are fairly well organized now. They just picked a company to close in their porch and are working out the details to get it started. Let's hope it's done by NEXT year. ;)

Isaac bought a new car - Dodge Charger. His first American car. Need we say more?

Our condo fees went up like $25 a month. Go freakin' fig.

Pop is turning 60.

Casey Anthony walks free (for the most part).

Obama allows for more disaster in America.

Gas goes up nearly a dollar per gallon.

Lots of amazing family stuff happening while somehow the economy seems to be slowly going down the drain. Amidst it though, I feel peace. Peace among my family and in our homes - a comfort in reliance and stability.

I wonder what next year will bring...