Sunday, July 24, 2011

30 Weeks Preggo

Last Wednesday I turned 30 weeks pregnant. And what a trip it has been. Someone said today that poor people or sick people who have been as such their whole life go on living as if that's all they've ever known. I feel like being pregnant has become my own "way of life" much like sick or poor people, as it's all I've known for nearly seven months now. Thank goodness I do know differently though, as I'm getting to a point where I'm yearning for my old self back.

Being pregnant has been a journey indeed. With morning, afternoon, and evening sickness to bear along with a never-ending state of just feeling "odd," it surely has given me an appreciate for my health and my pre-pregnancy mobility to be able to run, exercise, and do all the things I once did on a daily basis. Now, I find myself struggling to get up off the couch with swollen ankles and hurting feet if I stand too long. I struggle to sleep well, and at that, get comfortable in my own bed.

Despite all the things that come with being pregnant, though, I really can't complain much. My pregnancy has been pretty normal and easy compared to some other pregnant folks I've known. I was blessed with no vomiting symptoms, my blood pressure and weight are normal, and I passed the Gestational Diabetes and glucose tests. And I don't really feel all that huge right now. Maybe that will change in a few weeks, or a month. I mean I do waddle, especially when I have to pee, but I don't feel that my center of gravity is so far out of control that it's ultra-hard yet to walk a flight of stairs or clean my bathroom. It is hard to bend down, but at least I have fair mobility at this current stage.

We finally got a crib and a few essential baby items, thanks to an old friend of my moms. Her son and daughter-in-law had two cribs for us to choose from, two small high chairs, one big high chair, and a pack n' play to give us. We were so blessed. Of course everything is sitting in baby Gresh's room at this very moment untouched. I am waiting for Isaac to put the crib together. Oopsie. :)

As this pregnancy draws closer to an end, I am now getting more nervous about the actual birth. Yes, of course I am also worried about having all the supplies we'll need, coordinating my time off work, and wondering if I'll really know how to do this whole "parent thing." But I'm more scared now about knowing when it's going to happen, or how I'll know if it's happening - where I'll be, what I'll be doing, and who will help me to get to the hospital. Will it be painful? When will I get the epidural? Etc.

I know that I just have to trust. And I pray every day - Lord, protect this baby, protect me, and let everything go smoothly, but according to Your will. And that is all I can ever do until the day comes...


Baby 024 - Week 30

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