Friday, February 5, 2010

The Weatherman and God

I always notice how when the "weatherman" says it's going to snow we run to the stores to stock up like there's literally no tomorrow. Are we that worried that the food we currently have in our fridge will not tide us over for one day? We buy gallons upon gallons of water, loaves upon loaves of bread, and purchase canned goods like we're getting ready to encounter a flood. Why do we do that?

Why do we put our faith more often in something and someone that could be wrong, that has been wrong, and that is only leaning on what others have told him? Why do we put our faith in a person who could lead us astray? Granted, it did snow. It snowed huge. Grand, even. And the weathermen were sure as heck right this time. They're great at their jobs and I thank them for their insight and knowledge. But we often put our faith in them like they own the world and predict the future. The weatherman might not have even been right, which is the case a lot of the time. But each time, whether it's rain, or shine, or sleet, or snow, we put our trust in them to tell us the truth. We believe what he says because it's all we can go on and we have nothing else to base our ruling against. We are trusting that he has gathered the right facts on our behalf to prepare us for what is to come.

But, why can't we be like that with God? God is always right. He's never wrong. He doesn't make predictions or assumptions and he is never only "90% sure" that something will or will not happen. If God told us there was going to be a flood, would we believe Him? If He spoke to one of us and said he was going to heal your sight or allow you to walk, would we really take His word? I know I would have a hard time believing it. But yet, we believe Chief Meteorologist Topper Shutt when he says, "there's a big one coming" every time.

I admit it. I have an extremely difficult time trusting God. I don't want to believe Him and I certainly don't want to trust Him especially when it's something I don't want to do or feel I cannot do. I probably tend to put my trust in the weatherman more than God sometimes. I will believe him in an instant--an instant, more than I will believe God on something. Why do I do that? Why do I do that when God has saved me, chosen me, picked me up, carried me, never doubted me, loved me, held me, comforted me, disciplined me for my own good, and died on the cross to save my sins? Why do I not believe him more over someone who doesn't even know my name? Perhaps it is because I want excitement...a thrill. I want a high. And getting that high by watching everybody go ballistic about the snowstorm of 2010 gives me my fix. I think it gives everyone a fix. But the secret is, it's only temporary. Just like anything--drugs, alcohol, sex, greed. We don't want to admit it. We don't want to hear anybody say it...but it's true. They are so temporary it's ridiculous.

But the funny thing is...there is no secret in God. He has put Himself out there plain as day for all to see. He's not hiding anything. He wants us to know Him. And the truth of the matter is, the power of His Holy Spirit that's waiting for us at our fingertips has been there all along. And it will always be there.

We can put our faith in weathermen, and he may sometimes be right, but the faith we put in the Lord will give us an even bigger return.


  1. Sometimes my mind leans too far to the rational side of thought. Upon reading your post my first thought was....

    In the event of a major catastrophe most stores would completely sell out of the essentials in less than a week. This is from a FEMA handbook or something lol.

    My second thought is that our brains are wired for survival so that when something is coming along that might threaten that survival, even in an arbitrary way, it gets the endorphins going. A snowstorm or hurricane even can be quite exciting regardless of the danger or damage unfortunately, because it hits that primitive area of our brain.

    Tying all that together with nothing that is at all relevant, I totally get where your coming from. More than even just the weatherman, some people and maybe myself included sometimes, will just believe whatever the talking head on tv tells us. Be it the weatherman, the tv news guy, or that infomercial that is on at 3am. We accept so many things arbitrarily, but have a difficult time believing in god and gods word.

    Thanks for the thought provoking post. Sorry to blurb all over your blog, I was bored at work.

  2. Dude I never even know you commented on this until now!!! Nice thoughts! And please blurb any time! I agree...most people do just beleive whatever is on TV and it IS kind of fun and gets the blood flowing when a snowstorm. It IS exciting after all!! :)

  3. Wow I can't type. "I never even *knew you commented" and "when a snowstorm *hits."
