Monday, April 29, 2013

Baking and Blogging and Being.

I really miss baking and cooking. I started back this week picking out recipes to make so we can have actual meals. But I feel kind of silly making whole meals for just Levi and I on nights that Isaac works. It's not that I can't save him a plate, but so much of it goes to waste and doesn't get eaten the next day. And since I've been going light at night myself, it seems like a wasted effort. So I always try to focus on cooking bigger meals on his days off.

I really, really like cooking and baking, and mainly trying new recipes. There are a plethora of recipes and different websites out there to use. So many that I will never be able to get to, yet so many that I would like to try. It is fun picking out new ones each week! I used to dread it, as I mentioned in a previous post, but now I enjoy it. :)

While in school, it's been more challenging to find the time to search for recipes and cook meals every night, so I slowed down with it for a while. But I'm eager to get back to it.

I love cooking meals in the evenings with Levi at my side in his high chair. He eats little bits of what I make as I'm cooking, or becomes my taste tester when I'm done. And we play and have a good time.

Since the preparation and aftermath of classes and teaching have consumed so much of my evening and morning free time, I've missed these things. Especially blogging about our adventures, outings, and house projects.

I am looking forward to getting back to it. To enjoying our little world. Living. And especially now that summer is on the horizon, I see lots of swingset filled summer nights in our future with chilled wine on the back patio.

My dreams are starting to become a reality. Student teaching at my old high school was one of the strangest, yet thrilling experiences I've been through. And the fact that I'm actually preparing to be a Health and PE Teacher is weird. I've only tasted it, never swimmed in it. It's awesome.

Sometimes, trying to live your dream is more of a challenge than you think. And some of my dreams already are a reality. Like having our sweet son Levi light up our world with his innocent cheeks, cheap rent in the heart of Old Town, a fresh cut lawn and a seasonal flag blowing in the spring wind. Neighbors we can talk to and experience life with.

All these and more are what I'm yearning for. Time spent with my two most precious loves. Drives to the country. And the smell of grilled chicken coming from the garage with the sunroom window open.

As I have what I hope will be a few short months of school left, I feel like it's almost closing time. And I can't wait to live more fully alive again!