Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Change of Pace AND Scenery

On Friday, I trekked out to Front Royal for work to do some training in our print shop.

Others I know probably would have griped and complained about having to do this because of the long drive, but I had actually been looking forward to it. I needed a change of pace and scenery.

Whenever I have to go out to Front Royal for work, which is not often, I get excited because for one, I don't have to face much traffic; it's a long drive with time to myself to think and pray, or do whatever. And two, because I like seeing the mountains and empty spaces, the country homes, feeling the fresh air, and encountering people who actually greet me and say hello when I walk up to the checkout counter.

The office there is pretty quiet. There aren't a lot of people who work in it, and it's desolate and peaceful. Symbolic of it's surrounding counterparts.

Sometimes, it makes me want to move out there.

I snapped a few photos in the area I was. They're not great. In fact, not even good. But enough to give you a glimpse of the beauty that's right around the corner from the hussle and bussle of D.C.!

And yes, some of them were snapped while I was driving. I know...

Driving down the road to our office.

A golf course along the side of the road.

The mountains. Ahhh...

I took a shot of this because I liked that this 7-Eleven had part-stone siding. 

Heaven on earth.

 Fairview Market: The closes thing to country in Manassas.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like my kind of area! Love the mountains and the "country." Glad you got to enjoy your drive.
